Texas Defensive Driving
School: www.CheapDrivingCourse.com (Lic. # C3135) Course Provider: www.CheapDrivingCourse.com (Lic. # CP002)

Course Registration

Getting started is Simple and Easy!


Once registration is complete you may start the course INSTANTLY!

Welcome to the Texas Driving Safety Course!

To begin our great course, fill in the fields below. Please be sure the information you enter is accurate.
Errors may be subject to a $15 correction fee.

Profile Information
Male Female

Please make sure this information is accurately entered!
Texas Driver License Audit Number Example

By entering the last four digits of my Social Security number and the audit number from my Texas driver license above, I authorize Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc., to obtain my official driving record (Type 3A) on my behalf. (This information will be used ONLY for the authorized retrieval of the student's official record, and will never be shared with any other third party.)
Attendance Information